Pursue Online/

  • "Don't bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals." ~ David Ogilvy

  • "Be ready when opportunity comes. . . Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet." ~ Roy Chapin

  • "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." ?~ Jim Rohn

    "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." ~ Carl Rogers

    "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~ e.e. cummings

February 5, 2025

Youth Programs

There are a number of educational opportunities available to students.  Some are sponsored by organizations and companies while others are commercial operations.  It is also possible to fundraise and seek sponsorship for your involvement in some of these programs. If you are interested in one of these, see your counselor for further information and applications.

Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program (12 – 18 years) 

Offers leadership programs for youth, and an exciting opportunity for personal development, co-operative education recreation and lots of fun.   For more information please contact the Saskatchewan C0-Coperative Association at 244-3702, scyp@sask.coop and visit their site at www.sask.coop.

           The Lieutenant Governor’s Leadership Forum (Grade 11 and Grade 12)

The ten-day program focuses on leadership concepts. Each year, eighteen students observe examples of leadership    roles in government, Crown Corporations, the private sector, and post secondary institutions and interact with leaders in our community.

This citizenship and leadership program brings high school students from across Canada together for a week of incredible discoveries in Ottawa.  There are thirteen themes that you can choose from ranging from law to ecology and environment.  To become registered for this event, contact your guidance/career counselor, provincial co-coordinator or email registrar@histori.ca.

House of Commons – Page Program

Each year, 40 students are selected from high schools across Canada to come to Ottawa and work as Pages in the House of Commons.  Pages have the opportunity to learn about House of Commons while witnessing the legislative process first hand.  This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in the federal government and in developing a variety of skills and abilities.  For more information go to your guidance/career counsellor, website or e-mail pageprog@parl.gc.ca.

Exchanges Canada

This site offers information about Youth Forums, School and group exchanges, employment exchanges and other opportunities in Canada and beyond. 

Oddfellow and Rebekah U.N. Pilgrimage for Youth

This site is sponsored by the Joint Jurisdictional Youth Committee of the Grand Lodge & Rebekah Assembly of Saskatchewan Independent Order of the Odd Fellows.  Winning students attend a bus tour in New York for two weeks in July. The only cost to the student is spending money. Selection is based one-third for grades and application form materials, one-third for the essay and one-third for the speech given (Speak off is around Feb – 5 minutes each). The essay is to be 450-500 words on the topic, “Describe the United Nations’ involvement in a current world affair.” Application forms may be obtained from the secretary: Ph (306) 586-7120, Fax (306) 586-7123, Email: marion.kelly@sasktel.net.  Please remember that the deadline is December 31.  The link provided is from a national perspective, you will need to apply through the provincial office first.

Shad Valley (summer program)

This is a four week summer enrichment program for students currently completing Grade 10, 11 or 12.  Students spend a month living in residence at one of our host university campuses across Canada.  The focus includes the sciences, technology and entrepreneurship, the program provides an academically stimulating, mind expanding adventure for top well-rounded students.  Students will also enjoy recreational activities and the opportunity to explore local attractions.

Youth Canada

         This is a website to connect youth with new opportunities.

Pre-Health Professional Club

Face to Face Ministry (Saskatoon)

They are  Catholic evangelization ministry challenging people to holiness by pointing to the fullness of the Catholic faith.  They offer many retreats and are currently planning a Ministry Mission to India in 2010.