Pursue Online/

  • "Don't bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals." ~ David Ogilvy

  • "Be ready when opportunity comes. . . Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet." ~ Roy Chapin

  • "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." ?~ Jim Rohn

    "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." ~ Carl Rogers

    "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~ e.e. cummings

Prytula Charpentier Foundation: Charpentier (French)

The Charpentier École St. Mary High School University French Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: is a French Immersion student that has exhibited outstanding academic achievement and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2023 to study French. Proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program, and a digital photo must be emailed to lydia.mcleod@pacsd.ca The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.  If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or email her at lydia.mcleod@pacsd.ca. The application deadline is Thursday, March 23, 2023. To apply, use the link below or visit the post on the Edsby River:
