Archive for the ‘Scholarships’ Category

myBlueprint Scotia Bank Scholarship ($3750)

Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Scotiabank scholarships for students age 16 – age 18 focus on four themes (Diversity, Financial Wellness, Women Future Leaders, STEM) and four regions of Canada. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 25th, 2025, at 11:59:59 PM ET. Upon successful completion and submission of the scholarship application, the eligible entrant will receive one (1) entry into the Contest. Only one Scholarship prize will be awarded per eligible entrant. (If an entrant submits more than one Entry, they will be disqualified.) For additional information, please go to:’s%20%2460%2C000%20investment%20is%20divided,11%3A59%3A59%20PM%20ET

Affinity Credit Union: Build a Better World Scholarship  

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Grade 12 students who are a member of Affinity Credit Union or have a parent or guardian who is a member are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Students must be enrolling for post-secondary education. This year, 30 scholarships of $1000 will be awarded. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 30, 2025. For additional information, as well as an application form, please go to

GRADE 11: Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship ($500) is awarded to a Grade 11 student to assist in finishing their Grade 12 school year. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate and nomination is competitive. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Monday, March 3, 2025 to be considered for nomination. For additional information, please visit

GRADE 12: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship ($1000) is awarded to a Grade 12 students who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the fall. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Monday, March 3, 2025 to be considered for nomination. For additional information, please visit

Schulich Leader Scholarships

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Schulich Leader Scholarships are the largest and most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) scholarships in Canada. This scholarship was established to encourage the best and brightest students to be the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators. Starting now, the value of this scholarship has significantly increased! We are now awarding 50 engineering scholarships valued at $120,000 each and 50 science, technology or math scholarships valued at $100,000 each. Schulich Leader Scholarships is open to all Canadian high schools with graduating students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program at one of our 20 partner universities. It is important to note that students who are planning for a career as a medical practitioner or researcher (doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, optometrist, etc.) are NOT eligible to apply. École St. Mary High School can only nominate ONE candidate and nomination is competitive. If you are interested in being considered for nomination, please email a list of school/community involvement, leadership activities, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin ( in Student Services by Tuesday, January 7, 2025, before 12:00pm to be considered for nomination. To find out more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship visit or .

U of S: Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships are USask’s highest valued, renewable entrance scholarships and are awarded based on academics, leadership and contributions to school and community life. Five of these awards, known as the Circle of Honour Awards, are designated for Indigenous students. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by December 1, 2024 and must fill out and submit the online application for Best and Brightest Scholarships by December 152024 in PAWS. For additional information, please see Mrs. Rapin or go 

Rotary Citizenship Scholarship

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

The Rotary Citizenship Scholarship of $400.00 is a recognition of a Grade 11 or 12 student that exhibits the characteristics of strong citizenship. It is modeled after the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship program with criteria that includes, strong academics, with strong character within the school environment, as well as the community. Candidates are students that respect and deal fairly with their fellow students, as well as participate in school and non-school activities that enhance their lives and the lives of those around them. The students should be planning some type of post-secondary education or training to enhance their personal skills. Rotary Citizenship Scholarship Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.

John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

The John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship of $250 is a recognition of a Grade 9 – 12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2023-2024. Candidates are students who have distinguished themselves by being an advocate for literacy in their school or the community and clearly demonstrate a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have a Prince Albert Public Library (PAPL) card and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current Grade 12 student of École St. Mary High School. John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.

SSBA Award: 2 x $3,000

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) awards two $3,000 scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students going into post-secondary study: the Degree Program Scholarship (sponsored by AON) and the Technical/Trade Program Scholarship (sponsored by Manulife). Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need, and a 500-word essay. The application deadline is August 31st, 2024. To access the application form and view the rubric that is being used to score the scholarships, go to

Diamond North Credit Union Scholarships: 7 x $1000

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Diamond North Credit Union has seven (7) scholarships, in the amount of $1,000.00 each, available for Grade 12 students who are members of Diamond North Credit Union (as of January 1st, 2024). To apply, fill in the application form and submit it with supporting documentation (copy of Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Transcript, which includes first semester marks of your Grade 12 year, a school-provided copy of your 2nd semester marks from April, signed by your Guidance Counsellor or Principal, and a letter of character reference from someone other than a relative supporting your community and/or school involvement). An application form and additional information is available at  on the school career website. All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to before May 1, 2024