PA & District Community Scholarships: 2 x $1,000

May 1st, 2023

The Tillie and Joe Kawula Scholarship and the Herschel Davidner Memorial Scholarship are named in recognition of their many years of service to the community, and are available to graduating Grade 12 students from Saskatchewan Rivers, Prince Albert Roman Catholic School Division, Ecole Valois, and Adult 12 students from Saskatchewan Polytechnic Prince Albert Campus. The scholarship recipients will be selected based largely on community and volunteer service, plans to attend a recognized university or technical institute, three letters of reference and a resume. The deadline to apply is Thursday, June 1, 2023 with additional information available on the application form available at


Rotary Citizenship Award

April 21st, 2023

Grade 11 and 12 students are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Citizenship Award. This $400 award is presented to a Grade 11 or 12 student with criteria that includes, strong academics, with involvement within the school environment, as well as the community and parish. In addition, the student should be planning some type of post-secondary education or training to enhance personal skills. To be considered for this award, please complete an application by clicking the link below. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 12th and the scholarship will be presented during the Thanksgiving for the Year and Awards Assembly on Wednesday, June 7th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Bourdon.

Rotary Citizenship Award Application Form


John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship

April 21st, 2023

This $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Grade 9 – 12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2022-2023, has distinguished themself by being an advocate for literacy in their school or the community, and clearly demonstrates a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have a JMCPL card and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current grade 12 student of École St. Mary High School. To be considered for this award, please complete an application by clicking the link below. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 12th and the scholarship will be presented during the Thanksgiving for the Year and Awards Assembly on Wednesday, June 7th. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Bourdon.

John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship Application Form


General Proficiency Award: Grade 9-11

April 12th, 2023

The General Proficiency Award for students in Grade 9 – 11 is to be given to the student from each grade who makes the most complete contribution to the whole life of École St. Mary High School based on the following criteria: academic achievement 50%, extra-curricular contributions 40%, and religious life contributions 10%. This award will be presented at our “Thanksgiving for the School Year Celebration and Awards Assembly” on June 7th. To apply, use the application form available at Grade 9 – 11 General Proficiency Application form The deadline to apply is Friday, May 8th.


Major/Minor Sports Awards: Grade 12

April 12th, 2023

The Major/Minor Sports awards are presented to grade 12 students that have showcased a significant involvement with athletics during their time at École St. Mary High School. If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Sports Award that will be presented during the ‘Thanksgiving for the School Year Celebration and Awards Assembly’. Please fill out the forms document to be considered for this award: Major/Minor Sports Award Application The deadline to apply is Friday, May 8th.


Major/Minor Fine Arts Awards: Grade 12

April 12th, 2023

The Major/Minor Fine Arts awards are presented to grade 12 students that have showcased a significant involvement with fine arts during their time at École St. Mary High School. If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Fine Arts Award that will be presented during the ‘Thanksgiving for the School Year Celebration and Awards Assembly’. Please fill out the forms document to be considered for this award: Grade 12 Major/Minor Fine Arts Award Application The deadline to apply is Monday, May 8th.


Junior Achievement Career Fair for Trades

April 12th, 2023

On Thursday, May 11th, Sask Polytechnic will be hosting a hands-on career fair for grade 10/11/12 students who are interested in the areas of Carpentry, Welding, and Industrial Mechanics. Students will depart École St. Mary High School at 9:30 am and will return to the school around 3:00 pm. Transportation and lunch will be provided. There are approximately 20 spots available. The deadline to sign up is Friday, April 21. See Ms. McLeod if you have any questions. Please use the forms link to access additional information and to sign up: Junior Achievement Career Fair for Trades (


Mark Phaneuf FNIM University Scholarship: 6 x $2,000

April 3rd, 2023

The Mark Phaneuf First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) École St. Mary High School University Entrance Scholarship, sponsored by the Prytula Charpentier Foundation, First Nations Insurance Services Limited Partnership, and Prince Albert Pulp, is for self-declared First Nation, Inuit and Métis students who: will be attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2023, have exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. In addition, priority may be given to those who demonstrate financial need. There are six awards available, each at $2,000. Proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program, and a digital photo must be emailed to The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG. Students who have any questions are to see Ms. McLeod or email her at Use the link below or visit the post on the Edsby River to apply. The deadline to apply for this award is Wednesday, April 5th at 8:00 a.m.


Gail Hartsook Scholarship: 2 x $2,000

March 16th, 2023

Two scholarships, each valued at $2,000, are provided by the estate of the late Gail Hartsook and managed by the Prince Albert & Area Community Foundation. These special funds are established for the purpose of helping further education in the field of Social Work. The deadline to apply is March 31st, 2023. Scholarship information is available at and an application form can be downloaded at the bottom of that website.


MADD Canada Bursary Program: $10,000

March 10th, 2023

MADD Canada is a national charitable organization committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting victims. One bursary of $10,000 will be awarded and additional bursaries in the amount of $5,000 may also be awarded. MADD Canada’s Bursary Program is open to Canadian citizens who have themselves been severely injured or who have had a parent (or legal guardian) or sibling killed or severely injured, as a result of an impaired driving crash. The applicant must also be enrolled in a full-time, ministry-approved, post-secondary educational program for the upcoming academic year. The application deadline is Wednesday, May 31st. Additional information, and an application form, is available at