Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship Program

December 15th, 2022

The Horatio Alger Association of Canada will be awarding 160 scholarships of $5000. The Canadian Scholarships are awarded to eligible students across all provinces and territories in Canada. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Applicants must be a Grade 11 student with plans to enter university in the fall of 2024. To be eligible to apply for the Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled full-time as a high school grade 11 or first-year CEGEP student in Canada
  • Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited university
  • Prove critical financial need ($65,000 or less annual net income per family is required)
  • Demonstrate desire and ability to be entrepreneurial in a chosen field
  • Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
  • Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
  • Maintain a minimum grade percentage of 70
  • Be Canadian citizens

For additional information and to apply for the scholarship, go to https://horatioalger.ca/en/scholarships/about-our-scholarships-programs/provincial-programs/


U of S Early Admissions

November 1st, 2022

Attention grade 12 students! Applications are now open for admissions to the University of Saskatchewan. Apply early to take advantage of benefits like early admission and access to scholarships. Some scholarship applications are due before the application deadline. To find information about how to apply, programs and deadlines, scholarship applications, and how to submit your documents, please go to https://admissions.usask.ca/requirements/apply.php#1Findaprogram If you have any questions, or want assistance, please see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services (office 116).


Schulich Leader Scholarship

October 19th, 2022

Schulich Leader Scholarships are the largest and most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) scholarships in Canada. This scholarship was established to encourage the best and brightest students to be the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators. Schulich Leader Scholarships are open to all Canadian high schools with graduating students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program at one of our 20 partner universities. This year the foundation is awarding 50 engineering scholarships valued at $120,000 each and 50 science, technology or math scholarships valued at $100,000 each. It is important to note that students who are planning for a career as a medical practitioner/researcher (doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, optometrist, etc.) are NOT eligible to apply. École St. Mary High School can only nominate ONE candidate and nomination is competitive. If you are interested in being considered for nomination, please email a list of school/community involvement, leadership activities, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin (meta.rapin@pacsd.ca) in Student Services by Friday, December 16, 2022, before 12:00pm to be considered for nomination. To find out more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship visit http://www.schulichleaders.com or info@uja.schulichleader.com .


T1D Youth Scholarship

October 18th, 2022

This $500 Scholarship is provided by the Cosmopolitan Foundation of Canada, in partnership with the Prince Albert Cosmopolitan Club. You are eligible for this program if:
1. you reside in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba;
2. you are a Type 1 Diabetic;
3. you are in your High School Graduating Year and have been accepted to Post Secondary Institution or are currently enrolled in a Post-Secondary Institution returning for another year of study;
4. you have been an active volunteer in the Diabetic Community;
5. a Volunteer Coordinator (or similar) from a related organization supports your scholarship application; and

6. you provide one other written reference in support of your activities.

** If you are eligible see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services for an application.


SaskPolytech Open House

October 18th, 2022

The SaskPolytech PA Open House is on Thursday, October 27th from 1 pm to 3 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Saskpolytech Technical Building. There will be tours, display booths (Career Counselling, Accessibility, Indigenous Strategy Team, etc.) program information including admission requirements, hands-on demonstration for programs, information about services and support for students, as well as raffles and giveaways. For additional information, visit https://saskpolytech.ca/events/open-house.aspx


House of Commons Page Program

October 13th, 2022

Each year 40 bilingual students graduating from high schools across Canada are selected to participate in the House of Commons Page Program. Pages are first-year students registered at one of the eligible post-secondary institutions in the national capital region. Pages work on a part-time basis for one year. Pages support parliamentary democracy by providing a range of services to members of Parliament in the chamber and around Parliament Hill. Students who are interested in applying must be intending to enroll in their first year of university or college the following September. The final selection of the 40 pages is completed by the end of March each year. For eligibility requirements and details on the application process please visit  https://www.ourcommons.ca/about/pageprogram/become-e.html


TD Scholarships for Community Leadership: $70,000

October 11th, 2022

TD Scholarships are open to students across Canada who are in Grade 12 and have demonstrated outstanding community leadership. There are 20 scholarships valued at up to $70,000. You can apply at www.td.com/scholarship .The application deadline is Tuesday, November 15th, 2022.


2022 See Your Future

October 11th, 2022

The 2022 See Your Future – Education & Career Fair will be held November 7th in Saskatoon at TCU Place. The event is presented in a high-quality trade show approach with interactive display booths. The universities, colleges and organizations with in-house training bring expertise and innovation in a variety of fields. Students are provided with in-depth information in the form of literature, technological demonstrations, seminar presentations and one-on-one consultations. For additional information, and to register, please go to https://www.seeyourfuture.ca/schools.


USask Open House – Friday, September 23rd

September 21st, 2022

USask Open House is Friday, September 23rd and the U of S is looking forward to welcoming prospective students and parents back to campus! While USask Open House will be delivered in a hybrid model (in-person and online), a lot of activities will be offered in-person including college sessions, campus tours, and apply on the spot workshops. Also, there will be activities for parents. Please visit the Open House webpage and register for the event:

·         In-person and virtual offerings

·         Activities for students and parents


U of S Fall Events

September 21st, 2022

USask will be offering a series of virtual events throughout the fall. These will be listed on the Event webpage. USask will also offer both in-person and virtual campus tours every week. Students can register at the Campus Tour webpage