Canada Post Awards for Indigeneous Students

June 7th, 2021

The Canada Post Awards for Indigenous Students celebrate the hard work and determination of Indigenous peoples who have embraced a renewed pursuit of learning. The awards are open to all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples who have been out of school for one year or more, who have since decided to return to an educational system, and who have now been back at school for at least one year. The Canada Post Awards for Indigenous Students are granted annually to select applicants from across the country. The deadline to apply is August 31, 2021. To complete an application form, please visit 


Horatio Alger Indigenous Achievement Scholarship

June 7th, 2021

The Horatio Alger Indigenous Achievement Scholarship is for Indigenous students starting a four-year post-secondary program in the fall.  This is a renewable award of $2500.  While enrolled in post-secondary students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and a full-time course load to receive the renewed support each year. The requirements are as follows: First Nation (status and non-status), Inuit and Métis high school students from an Indigenous community in the territories as well as attending school in the Northwest Territories, Yukon Territories, or Nunavut; Enrolled full-time in a high school within Canada at time of application; Starting in a four-year post-secondary program within Canada full-time in September; Have a valid Social Insurance Number. The deadline to apply is August 1, 2021. To complete an application form, please visit


John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship: Grade 9 – 12

May 10th, 2021

This $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Grade 9-12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2020-2021 and has distinguished herself/himself by being an advocate for literacy in her/his school or the community and clearly demonstrates a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have proof of a JMCPL card and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current Grade 12 student of École St Mary High School. The application deadline is Friday, May 21, 2021. To apply, please complete the form available at


Grade 12 Awards: École St Mary High School Graduation

May 7th, 2021

Information about Grade 12 Awards to be presented at the Graduation Exercises on June 23rd, as well as a link to an application form, is available in the River section of Edsby. The closing deadline for award applications is Tuesday, May 25th at 3:30 p.m. Nominations for Most Gentlemanly and Deportment are due by Friday, May 14th by sending a message to Mr. Dwayne Gareau. Voting will occur Monday, May 31st to Friday, June 4th.


Agriculture / Rural Community Award: 3 x $500

May 6th, 2021

The district 32 Agriculture, Development, and Diversification Board (ADD Board) is offering a total of three $500 awards to Grade 12 students graduating in 2021. To apply, students must be pursuing post-secondary agricultural training or other post-secondary education (university or technical) that will serve a rural agriculture-based community in 2021. As well, students must prepare a submission (250-500 words) that addresses the theme: “How will your post-secondary education make agriculture or your rural community a better place?” For additional information about the award and the application process, please visit The application deadline is June 15, 2021.


Nelson Education Scholarships: 2 x $10,000

May 4th, 2021

Nelson Education awarding the following two scholarships. Applicants may only apply for one scholarship opportunity. The application deadline is June 30th, 2021.

Civic Leadership Scholarship: $10,000

Nelson Education is awarding students who have demonstrated academic success, personal strength, and determination in their commitment to civic engagement and leadership.

Indigenous Student Scholarship: $10,000

Nelson Education is awarding First Nation, Métis and Inuit student leaders who have demonstrated academic success, personal strength, with the intent to pursue post-secondary studies in Education.

For additional information, and to apply for a scholarship, please visit


Scholarship Database: Scholar Tree

May 3rd, 2021

With the school year quickly coming to an end, has made a concerted effort to add as many scholarships as possible. Since the month of May is the end of peak scholarship season, there are a lot of awards with upcoming deadlines. Currently, there are currently 61 scholarships, with an application period ending in May, that offer 367 awards and a total of $960,500. To create a customized list of scholarships and a weekly email reminder of deadlines, students are encouraged to create a profile on ScholarTree.  Students can sort their scholarship list, by deadline, using the sort option at the top of the page (


CONNECTED: Young Women Exploring Careers

April 30th, 2021

CONNECTED, a virtual mentorship event on Wednesday, May 19th from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, connects females in Grade 10 – Grade 12 with women mentors from a variety of careers. For more information, or to register, visit . The deadline to register is Wednesday, May 12th.


University of Alberta: Online Registration Sessions

April 29th, 2021

Registration for online faculty-specific and general Registration 101 sessions are now available. At these sessions, students will learn how to navigate the Bear Tracks system for course selection and registration, chat with an advisor and get advice on which courses to take, and explore the next steps on their journey at the U of A. Students can register at


Diamond North Credit Union Scholarships: 7 x $1,000

April 28th, 2021

Diamond North Credit Union has seven (7) scholarships, in the amount of $1,000.00 each, available for Grade 12 students who are members of Diamond North Credit Union (as of January 1st, 2021). To apply, fill in the application form and submit it with supporting documentation (copy of Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Transcript, which includes first semester marks of your Grade 12 year, a school-provided copy of your 2nd semester marks from April, signed by your Guidance Counsellor or Principal, and a letter of character reference from someone other than a relative supporting your community and/or school involvement). An application form and additional information is available at on the school career website. All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to before May 1, 2021.