SUNTEP: Bachelor of Education

November 26th, 2024

SUNTEP is a four-year Bachelor of Education degree delivered by the Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI), in partnership with the Ministry of Advanced Education, the University of Regina, and the University of Saskatchewan. The  tour and information session at the Prince Albert campus is Monday, December 2, 2024  at 1:30 pm. and is available for current grade 11 and 12 students only. (Please note that students may be required to provide their own transportation.) To register, sign up below before noon on Thursday, November 28th.


U of R: Admission on the Spot

November 26th, 2024

Students who plan to apply to the U of R are invited to attend these events in Saskatoon/Regina. Students will need a copy of their unofficial transcript and to pay the admissions fee during the session. Contact Mrs. Rapin in Student Services if you have any questions or need a copy of your unofficial transcript.

Saskatoon Admission on the Spot

Date: Friday, December 6

Time: 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: First Nations University of Canada (Saskatoon Campus)

Regina Admission on the Spot

Date: Thursday, December 12

Time: 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Campion College, University of Regina Main Campus


Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program

November 20th, 2024
The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program aims to honour the spirit of Terry Fox, one of Canada’s greatest heroes, by encouraging Canadian youth who strive to emulate Terry Fox’s courage and determination by providing their communities, and those in need, with humanitarian service. Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards are open to students of all abilities. To be considered for the Award, applicants must be: in good academic standing; Canadian citizens or landed immigrants; students graduating from secondary (high) school or students completing their first year of CÉGEP or students who have completed secondary (high) school; involved in voluntary humanitarian activities (for which they have not been compensated); and planning to or are already studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution, or entering their 2nd year of CÉGEP in the upcoming academic year. Terry Fox Award Recipients are eligible to receive the Award until they graduate with their first university degree or diploma (for a maximum of four years), provided they maintain satisfactory academic standing and a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award. The maximum value of the award is $28,000, dispersed over four (4) years. A stipend of $7,000 is issued directly to the institution each year in two installments of $3,500, one in September and one in January. The deadline is December 1st, 2024. Visit if you are interested in applying.

Schulich Leader Scholarships

November 20th, 2024

Schulich Leader Scholarships are the largest and most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) scholarships in Canada. This scholarship was established to encourage the best and brightest students to be the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators. Starting now, the value of this scholarship has significantly increased! We are now awarding 50 engineering scholarships valued at $120,000 each and 50 science, technology or math scholarships valued at $100,000 each. Schulich Leader Scholarships is open to all Canadian high schools with graduating students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program at one of our 20 partner universities. It is important to note that students who are planning for a career as a medical practitioner or researcher (doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, optometrist, etc.) are NOT eligible to apply. École St. Mary High School can only nominate ONE candidate and nomination is competitive. If you are interested in being considered for nomination, please email a list of school/community involvement, leadership activities, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin ( in Student Services by Tuesday, January 7, 2025, before 12:00pm to be considered for nomination. To find out more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship visit or .


U of R: Chancellor’s Award

November 5th, 2024

The Chancellor’s Scholarship is awarded annually to 14 undergraduate students who meet a variety of criteria, including a minimum admission average of 95%. This scholarship is being offered to students directly from high school, or high school graduates who have not completed any post-secondary course (other than those completed while the student was still in high school, such as the High School Accelerated Program). One award is reserved for Indigenous applicants and one award is reserved for out-of-province applicants. The recipients will receive $10,000 a year over four years, plus on-campus housing for the first year. The value of each scholarship is just over $46,000.  An application is required and includes a written statement, resume, reference letter, and referee. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2024.


U of R: Automatic Entrance Awards

November 5th, 2024

Students are guaranteed an automatic entrance award based on their academic standing. Students must be entering directly from high school to an undergraduate degree program.

To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by March 15, 2025 (August 15th for the Faculty of Business). For more information, see Mrs. Rapin or go to


U of S: Competitive Entrance Awards

November 5th, 2024

Competitive Entrance Awards include numerous scholarships and bursaries that can be accessed by many students with diverse experiences. Students can be considered based on academic achievement, financial need and/or contributions to school and community life. Some awards recognize backgrounds, acknowledge contributions to certain clubs or reward achievement in music and athletics. All entering students are encouraged to apply. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by February 15, 2025 and fill out and submit the online application for Competitive Entrance Awards by March 1, 2025 in PAWS. For additional information, please see Mrs. Rapin or go to


U of S: Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships

November 5th, 2024

Best and Brightest Entrance Scholarships are USask’s highest valued, renewable entrance scholarships and are awarded based on academics, leadership and contributions to school and community life. Five of these awards, known as the Circle of Honour Awards, are designated for Indigenous students. To be considered, students must complete an application for admission by December 1, 2024 and must fill out and submit the online application for Best and Brightest Scholarships by December 152024 in PAWS. For additional information, please see Mrs. Rapin or go 


U of S: Early Admission & Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship

November 5th, 2024

Attention grade 12 students! Applications are now open for admissions to the University of Saskatchewan. Apply early to take advantage of benefits like early admission and access to scholarships. Some scholarship applications are due before the application deadline. To find information about how to apply, programs and deadlines, scholarship applications, and how to submit your documents, please go to you have any questions, or want assistance, please see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services (office 116).

Students will automatically be considered for a Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship when they apply for admission. These scholarships recognize academic achievements and are awarded based on the admission average.


TD Scholarships for Community Leaders: $70,000

October 31st, 2024

TD Scholarships are open to students across Canada who are in Grade 12 and have demonstrated outstanding community leadership.  There are 20 scholarships valued at up to $70,000 over four years to be used towards tuition and living expenses while attending an approved Canadian college or university; and offers of paid employment at TD or a TD-funded charitable organization for each of the four summers of their university or college years. You can apply at application deadline is Tuesday, November 13th, 2024.