U of S U-Start Registration Workshops

May 7th, 2019

U of S is offering in-person and online events in May and June to help newly admitted University of Saskatchewan students get ready for registering for classes. At U-Start, students will learn:

  • how to choose and register for classes,
  • how they can get a head start,
  • where they can get help, and
  • what they need to know before September.

One of the U-Start workshops will be held in Prince Albert on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 (6 p.m. – 8 p.m.). You must register online. See Mrs. Rapin in student services for additional information. A full list of U-Start events and other details are available online and students are encouraged to sign up at:  usask.ca/ustart.


Gail Hartsook Scholarships

May 1st, 2019

The Prince Albert & Area Community Foundation is offering two $1500 scholarships for students entering the Teacher Aide Program at SUNTEP and two $2000 scholarships for students entering the field of Social Work. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 17th. Additional information and application forms are available at www.pafoundation.ca/scholarships.html or by contacting Marilyn Peterson by phone (306-764-9108) or email (pafoundation@sasktel.net).


Kawula and Davidner Memorial Scholarships

May 1st, 2019

Grade 12 students are encouraged to apply for the Tillie and Joe Kawula Scholarship and Hershel Davidner Memorial Scholarships. The two $1000.00 scholarships will be awarded to students who value academics, community involvement, and volunteerism and are entering a recognized university or technical institute. One application will apply to both awards. These scholarships are open to Grade 12 graduates from Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, Prince Albert Catholic School Division and the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Prince Albert campus Academic Grade 12 program.  An application form and additional information is available at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school career website. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 17th.


General Proficiency Awards: Grade 9 – Grade 11

April 16th, 2019


The General Proficiency Award for students in Grade 9 – Grade 11 is to be given to the student who makes the most complete contribution to the whole life of St. Mary High School and is based on the following criteria: academic achievement 50%, athletic contributions 20%, school life contributions 20%, and religious life contributions 10%. Application forms are available at the library, or online at http://bit.ly/AwardsGrade9-11 and must be returned to the LIBRARY by Thursday, May 23rd at 3:30 p.m. These awards will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 5th.


Rotary Citizenship Award: Grade 11

April 16th, 2019

Grade 11 students are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Citizenship Award to be presented at the awards presentation in June. This $300 award is presented to a Grade 11 student who is involved in the school, community, and parish. The application forms are available at http://bit.ly/AwardsGrade9-11 on the school’s career website and must be submitted to the LIBRARY by Thursday, May 23rd at 3:30 p.m. The student’s academic transcript and attendance will also be given to the awards selection committee. This award will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 5th.


Major/Minor Sports Award

April 16th, 2019

Students in Grade 12 may be eligible for a Major/Minor Sports Award that will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 5th.  The application forms are available at the LIBRARY or at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school’s career website. Completed forms must be returned to the LIBRARY by Thursday, May 23rd. Please contact Mr. Quintal if you have any questions.


Major/Minor Fine Arts Award

April 16th, 2019

Students in Grade 12 may be eligible for a Major/Minor Fine Arts Award that will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 5th.  The application forms are available at the LIBRARY or at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school’s career website. Completed forms must be returned to the LIBRARY by Thursday, May 23rd. Please contact Mrs. Skomorowski, Mr. Van Otterloo, or Ms Hawryluk if you have any questions.


John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship

April 16th, 2019

This $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Grade 9-12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2018-2019 and has distinguished herself/himself by being an advocate for literacy in her/his school or the community and clearly demonstrates a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have a JMCPL card (providing a photocopy with the application) and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current Grade 12 student of École St Mary High School. An application form is available at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school’s career website and must be submitted to the LIBRARY by Thursday, May 23rd at 3:30 p.m. This award will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 5th.


Candace Bernier Memorial Scholarship

April 15th, 2019

This $500.00 scholarship is offered in the memory of Mrs. Candace Bernier, a long-time English Language Arts teacher at École St Mary High School and will be presented during the Grad 2019 program at the Art Hauser. Mrs. Bernier was passionate about teaching English. She recognised that attaining a high grade in an ELA class was noteworthy, but more importantly, to her, was using your English Language Arts skills in other areas of interest. Mock Trial, Model UN, Debate, Creative Writing, and Drama were some of the areas Mrs. Bernier deemed as challenges for strong language arts skills.

Applicant Criteria- Grade 12 graduates wishing to apply for the Candace Bernier Memorial Scholarship must possess the following attributes:

  • Respectable grade in ELA 30 – 80 percent average or better
  • Active in Mock Trial and/or Model UN, and/or Drama
  • Be considering a career in Education, Law, Politics, Writing, or Drama

The application deadline is Tuesday, May 14th at 3:30 p.m., as part of the Graduation Awards application package, and students are to add this award as 2.27 Candace Bernier Memorial Scholarship on the SMHS Grad 2019 Awards Application Cover Page and indicate with “X” that they are applying for it.


Alex Prytula Award

April 1st, 2019

A male and a female student will be presented with a $2,000 award at Grad 2019. The criteria for the award is as follows: outstanding contributions, financial need, and academics. The deadline to apply is Thursday, April 4th at 12:45 p.m. Application forms are available online on the career website http://bit.ly/SMHSGradAwards and must be submitted at the library. Please note that a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG), of the applicant doing an activity this year must be submitted on a USB. (Do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos as these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.) As well, proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program must also be submitted with the completed application form.