Loran Award

October 5th, 2018

The Loran Award seeks to recognize well-rounded students who demonstrate character, promise of leadership, and strong commitment and service in the community. Up to 32 Loran Awards are available, valued at $100,000 over four years. The application deadline is October 17th, 2018 for sponsored applications and October 24th, 2018 for direct-pool applications. École St. Mary High School can sponsor up to three candidates and sponsorship is competitive. Students who are interested in being considered for sponsorship must submit a list of school/community involvement and leadership activities to Mrs.Rapin in Student Services by Wednesday, October 10, 2018. Students who are not selected for school sponsorship may still apply through the direct-pool. For more information go to www.loranscholar.ca


U of A Fall Presentation

October 4th, 2018

Any students interested in information about the University of Alberta are invited to attend an informational session on  Wednesday, October 31, 2018 during Period 3. The session will be presented by a U of A Student Recruiter and will provide students an opportunity to learn about what the U of A has to offer. See Mrs. Rapin in Student Services to sign up for this presentation.


U of R Open House

October 4th, 2018

Explore your options as a future University of Regina student! On Saturday, October 20, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. check out the U of R campus, win prizes, learn about programs, visit with academic advisors, and best of all, have the opportunity to be admitted to the U of R that day! No more waiting for weeks in anticipation! ADMISSIONS ON THE SPOT – Eligible students can be admitted to the University of Regina ON-THE SPOT and will receive a $30 discount ($70.00) on the application fee. See Mrs. Rapin in student services for more information.

Students must register online at https://urconnected.uregina.ca/events/fallopenhousesessions.ezc


U of S Open House

September 10th, 2018

The University of Saskatchewan Open House will be on Friday, September 28th. Throughout the day, students will explore the campus and faculties, take part in hands on activities, meet University Staff and faculty, and speak with current students about their U of S Experience. Grade 12 students who are interested in attending must pre-register online at explore.usask.ca. After registering, please see Mrs. Rapin or Mrs. Dauk in Student Services if you need to book a spot on the bus.


Graduation Information

June 20th, 2018

Friday, June 22nd  Meeting at 11:30 p.m. in the Lecture Theatre.  All graduates must attend.

Tuesday, June 26th – Cap & Gown pick up at 3:30 p.m.

                                – Grad 2018 photo at 4:00 p.m. on the steps of Sacred Heart Cathedral

Wednesday, June 27th – Grad Mass & Commencement at the Art Hauser Centre

                                     – 8:00 a.m. Graduands arrive dressed in Cap & Gown

                                     – 8:15 a.m. Graduands line up in north hallway 

                                      – 9:00 a.m. Ceremony begins with entrance of Graduands

                                      – Graduates return gown before leaving the ceremony

Wednesday, June 27th – Grad Parent Committee Evening Program

                                       – 6:30 p.m. Graduates and escorts arrive for Grand March

                                       – pick up quotations along the north corridor and sit in designated area

                                        – 7:00 p.m. Graduates and escorts are seated

                                         – 7:30 p.m. Grand March begins


Kawula and Davidner Memorial Scholarships

May 8th, 2018

Grade 12 students are encouraged to apply for the Tillie and Joe Kawula Scholarship and Hershel Davidner Memorial Scholarships. The two $1000.00 scholarships will be awarded to students who value academics, community involvement, and volunteerism and are entering a recognized university or technical institute. One application will apply to both awards. These scholarships are open to Grade 12 graduates from Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, Prince Albert Catholic School Division and the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Prince Albert campus Academic Grade 12 program.  An application form and additional information is available at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school career website. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, June 4th.


General Proficiency Awards: Grade 9 – Grade 11

May 8th, 2018

The General Proficiency Award for students in Grade 9 – Grade 11 is to be given to the student who makes the most complete contribution to the whole life of St. Mary High School and is based on the following criteria: academic achievement 50%, athletic contributions 20%, school life contributions 20%, and religious life contributions 10%. Application forms are available at the main office, or online at http://bit.ly/AwardsGrade9-11 and must be returned to the main office by Friday, May 18th at 3:30 p.m. These awards will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 6th. 


Rotary Citizenship Award: Grade 11

May 8th, 2018

Grade 11 students are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Citizenship Award to be presented at the awards presentation in June. This $300 award is presented to a Grade 11 student who is involved in the school, community, and parish. The application forms are available at http://bit.ly/AwardsGrade9-11 on the school’s career website and must be submitted by Friday, May 18th at 3:30 p.m. The student’s academic transcript and attendance will also be given to the awards selection committee.


Major/Minor St Mary Fine Arts Award

May 8th, 2018

If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Fine Arts Award that will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 6th.  The application forms are available at the main office or at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school’s career website. Completed forms must be returned to the main office by Friday, May 18th. Please contact Mrs. Skomorowski, Mr. Van Otterloo, or Ms Hawryluk if you have any questions.


Major/Minor St Mary Sports Award

May 4th, 2018

If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Sports Award that will be presented at the school celebration/awards assembly on Wednesday, June 6th.  The application forms are in the main office or at http://bit.ly/AwardGrade12 on the school’s career website. Completed forms must be returned to the main office by Friday, May 18th. Please contact Mr. Quintal if you have any questions.