U of S Open House on September 29th

September 14th, 2017

Any student who wants to attend the University of Saskatchewan Open House on Friday, September 29th, 2017 needs to preregister online at explore.usask.ca Throughout the day, students will

  • Explore the campus and faculties
  • Take part in hands-on activities
  • Meet University staff and faculty
  • Speak with current students about the U of S experience

After registering, please see Mrs. Rapin or Mrs. Dauk in Student Services if you want to book a spot on the bus.


Nominations: Most Gentlemanly and Deportment Awards

May 16th, 2017

“The recipient of this award displays the words and actions of the following criteria: is welcoming and inclusive, is non-judgmental, and is respectful of self, other students, and staff.” A nomination form is available at the main office or at http://bit.ly/SMHSGradAwards on the Pursue Online website. Nomination forms are due at the main office by Friday, May 19th at 3:30 p.m.


Grade 12: St Mary Major and Minor Fine Arts Award

May 3rd, 2017

Grade 12 students who have been involved in Fine Arts at St. Mary throughout their high school years are encouraged to apply to be presented with a crest at the June awards. The application form, available at the main office or at http://bit.ly/2pwyYEC on the Pursue Online career website, must be submitted to the main office by Friday, May 19th at 3:30 p.m.


Grade 12: St Mary Major and Minor Sports Award

May 3rd, 2017

Grade 12 students who have been involved in sports at St. Mary throughout their high school years are encouraged to apply to be presented with a crest at the June awards. The application form, available at the main office or at http://bit.ly/2pwyYEC on the Pursue Online career website, must be submitted to the main office by Friday, May 19th at 3:30 p.m.


U of S Registration Workshop

May 3rd, 2017

The U-Start registration workshop for new U of S students will be held May 25, 2017 at St. Mary High School. The workshop will give new students an introduction to the tools and information they need to prepare for university. The following topics will be presented:

  • How to choose and register for classes
  • How to use online tools like PAWS and course/program catalogue
  • How to pay tuition, find a place to live & buy textbooks

Students who have been admitted to the U of S are encouraged to sign up online for the workshop or a webinar that works best for them! For more information, and to sign up, students can visit students.usask.ca/ustart. Please see a Guidance Counsellor in Student Services if you have any questions.


Grade 9 – 12: CPF Scholarship

May 2nd, 2017

The deadline for Canadian Parents for French is Friday May 5th. Please see Mr. Joncas or any French Immersion teacher for a form. There are a $100 scholarship for each grade, from Grade 9 to 11, and $300 for Grade 12. You can hand in your forms at the Main Office.


Grade 9-11: General Proficiency Award

April 28th, 2017

Students in Grade 9-11 are encouraged to apply for the General Proficiency Award to be presented at the awards presentation in June. “The General Proficiency Award will be presented to the student who makes the most complete contribution to the whole life of St. Mary High School. Participation in all aspects of school life  academics, religious life, and school-sponsored activities  will be considered.” The application form, available at http://bit.ly/2oQeNhR on the Pursue Online career website, must be submitted to the main office by Monday, May 15th at 3:30 p.m. 


Grade 11: Rotary Citizenship Award

April 28th, 2017

Grade 11 students are encouraged to apply for the Rotary Citizenship Award to be presented at the awards presentation in June. This $250 award is presented to a Grade 11 student who is involved in the school, community, and parish. The application form, available at http://bit.ly/2oQeNhR on the Pursueonline career website, must be submitted to the main office by Monday, May 15th at 3:30 p.m. The student’s academic transcript and attendance will also be given to the awards selection committee.


Monsato Fund Opportunity Scholarship Program

April 7th, 2017


The Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship Program is available to Canadian high school students who are enrolled in their final year of high school and eligible to graduate in 2017. Those eligible for a scholarship must be planning to enroll at a Canadian post‑secondary institution (degree or diploma) in a first-year agriculture, food science or culinary program. Successful applicants will each be awarded a scholarship valued at $1,500, based on demonstrated academic standards and leadership in the community. For eligibility, selection criteria, and application forms visit  www.monsanto.ca  Submission deadline is June 15, 2017. 


SMHS Grad 2017 Awards

March 30th, 2017

Students who are interested in applying for awards that will be presented at Grad 2017 must submit a Grad 2017 Awards Application Checklist Cover Page and a Grad 2017 Awards Application. These forms, as well as forms for General Proficiency Application, Royal Canadian Legion Verification, and The Sisters of Our Ladies of the Cross Scholarship Application are available at http://bit.ly/SMHSGradAwards An awards package containing the description of the awards is available at the main office. The checklist cover page, awards application, and other required documents must be submitted to the main office by Friday, May 19th at 3:30 p.m.