Schulich Leader Scholarships are the largest and most prestigious undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) scholarships in Canada. This scholarship was established to encourage the best and brightest students to be the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators. Starting now, the value of this scholarship has significantly increased! We are now awarding 50 engineering scholarships valued at $120,000 each and 50 science, technology or math scholarships valued at $100,000 each. Schulich Leader Scholarships is open to all Canadian high schools with graduating students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program at one of our 20 partner universities. It is important to note that students who are planning for a career as a medical practitioner or researcher (doctor, dentist, nurse, psychologist, pharmacist, optometrist, etc.) are NOT eligible to apply. École St. Mary High School can only nominate ONE candidate and nomination is competitive. If you are interested in being considered for nomination, please email a list of school/community involvement, leadership activities, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin ( in Student Services by Tuesday, January 7, 2025, before 12:00pm to be considered for nomination. To find out more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship visit or .