Archive for 2025

Grad 2025 Scholarships: Attending Post-Secondary

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

GRAD 2025 SCHOLARSHIPS: Attending Post-Secondary

The scholarships below are being offered to grade 12 students attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2025.

Please see the information below to see if you are eligible to apply and to begin the application process.

The application deadline for all these scholarships is 8:00 am on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

1)  The Martha Prytula École St. Mary High School University Music Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School Band and/ or Choir and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2025 with a focus on music study. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship. 

2)  The Charpentier École St. Mary High School University French Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: is a French immersion student who has exhibited outstanding academic achievement and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2025 to study French. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.

3)  The Mark Phaneuf First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) École St. Mary High School University Entrance Scholarship will be providing 4 scholarships sponsored by an anonymous donor, First Nations Insurance Services Limited Partnership, and the Northern Lights Casino, this is for self-declared First Nation, Inuit and Métis students who: will be attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2025, has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. In addition, priority may be given to those who demonstrate financial need. The successful applicant(s) will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.

4)  The Alex Prytula scholarship is a $2000.00 scholarship that will be presented to a male and a female student. The criteria for the award are as follows: outstanding contributions, financial need, and academics. 

5)  The Immigration University Entrance Scholarship, sponsored by an anonymous donor, Advantage Real Estate Services and the Braaten family, will be presented to one student who has immigrated to Canada and demonstratesoutstanding contributions, financial need, and academics. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.

All applications for these of these scholarships must provide: 1) Proof of acceptance(letter, email) into a post-secondary program 2) A high-resolution digital photo (2-3 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.

If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or message her via Edsby. Use the link to apply.

Prosperity Credit Union: ASP!RE Scholarship

Friday, January 31st, 2025

The ASP!RE Scholarship is a unique program designed to help students fund their education while gaining valuable experience in the financial services industry. If accepted, students will receive:

  • An annual cash contribution towards tuition
  • Guaranteed summer employment while in school
  • A secured position with our credit union upon graduation

The deadline to apply is Friday, February 28th. For more details and application information, visit:

SASKPOLYTECH: Indigenous Applicants Funding

Monday, January 27th, 2025
SaskPolytech Indigenous applicants have the opportunity to participate in three funding initiatives:
1)    Apply to any program for FREE until Friday, March 7th, 2025.
2)    Eight entrance awards are available to Indigenous students enrolled full-time in the Mining Engineering Technology program (Information session Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 from 5 pm – 7 pm at the Saskatoon main campus.)
3)    Up to $1,000 in bursaries for Indigenous students enrolled in the Business diploma program. Those continuing into the financial services or insurance specialties in year 2 will receive an additional $500.

Opening Doors to Tomorrow Career & Job Fair Bursary

Monday, January 27th, 2025

The Opening Door to Tomorrow Career and Job Fair Bursary is open to students (Saskatchewan Rivers, Prince Albert Catholic, Saskatchewan Polytech) and employees (Saskatchewan Health Authority, Prince Albert Community Futures, City of Prince Albert). Applicants must be accepted to attend a post-secondary education institution, including apprenticeship. The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 15th. For additional information, and to download an application form, please go to

Junior Citizen of the Year Award: $3,000

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

The Junior Citizen of the Year Award has honoured the youth of Saskatchewan for over 40 years. The program is sponsored by The Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association, in partnership with SaskPower, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan. These prestigious awards are given to students who:

  • have a positive lifestyle,
  • are dedicated to community and school,
  • have a strong sense of caring and responsibility,
  • have the ability to overcome life’s challenges,
  • inspire others, and
  • are between ages 8 to 18.

Four award recipients are chosen each year and receive a $3,000 bursary, provided by SaskPower, to be used for post-secondary education. For more information, please go to The deadline for nominations is March 31st, 2025.

Women in Trades Workshops

Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

The Women in Trades Workshops at SaskpolyTech in Prince Albert are a hands-on, one-weekend career exploration opportunity for women ages 15+ offering an introduction to a variety of basic skills. The cost for each weekend is $150.00.
The Carpentry/Electrical Workshop is on March 29- 30, 2025.
The Industrial Mechanics/Welding Workshop is on April 12-13, 2025.
For more information, and to register, go to:

KIN Canada Bursary ($1000)

Monday, January 20th, 2025
The Kin Canada Bursary is open to any student who is in the process of graduating from high school or currently studying, or registered, at a post-secondary institution. Applicants will be evaluated on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada (Kinsmen, Kinettes and Kin Clubs) and financial need. The application form must be submitted by Sunday, February 1st, 2025 and winners will be notified before June 30 by their sponsoring club. For additional information and to apply, please go to

myBlueprint Scotia Bank Scholarship ($3750)

Monday, January 20th, 2025

The Scotiabank scholarships for students age 16 – age 18 focus on four themes (Diversity, Financial Wellness, Women Future Leaders, STEM) and four regions of Canada. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 25th, 2025, at 11:59:59 PM ET. Upon successful completion and submission of the scholarship application, the eligible entrant will receive one (1) entry into the Contest. Only one Scholarship prize will be awarded per eligible entrant. (If an entrant submits more than one Entry, they will be disqualified.) For additional information, please go to:’s%20%2460%2C000%20investment%20is%20divided,11%3A59%3A59%20PM%20ET

Affinity Credit Union: Build a Better World Scholarship  

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Grade 12 students who are a member of Affinity Credit Union or have a parent or guardian who is a member are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Students must be enrolling for post-secondary education. This year, 30 scholarships of $1000 will be awarded. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 30, 2025. For additional information, as well as an application form, please go to

GRADE 11: Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship ($500) is awarded to a Grade 11 student to assist in finishing their Grade 12 school year. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate and nomination is competitive. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Monday, March 3, 2025 to be considered for nomination. For additional information, please visit