GRAD 2025 SCHOLARSHIPS: Attending Post-Secondary
The scholarships below are being offered to grade 12 students attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2025.
Please see the information below to see if you are eligible to apply and to begin the application process.
The application deadline for all these scholarships is 8:00 am on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
1) The Martha Prytula École St. Mary High School University Music Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School Band and/ or Choir and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2025 with a focus on music study. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.
2) The Charpentier École St. Mary High School University French Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: is a French immersion student who has exhibited outstanding academic achievement and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2025 to study French. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.
3) The Mark Phaneuf First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) École St. Mary High School University Entrance Scholarship will be providing 4 scholarships sponsored by an anonymous donor, First Nations Insurance Services Limited Partnership, and the Northern Lights Casino, this is for self-declared First Nation, Inuit and Métis students who: will be attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2025, has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. In addition, priority may be given to those who demonstrate financial need. The successful applicant(s) will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.
4) The Alex Prytula scholarship is a $2000.00 scholarship that will be presented to a male and a female student. The criteria for the award are as follows: outstanding contributions, financial need, and academics.
5) The Immigration University Entrance Scholarship, sponsored by an anonymous donor, Advantage Real Estate Services and the Braaten family, will be presented to one student who has immigrated to Canada and demonstrates outstanding contributions, financial need, and academics. The successful applicant will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship.
All applications for these of these scholarships must provide: 1) Proof of acceptance(letter, email) into a post-secondary program 2) A high-resolution digital photo (2-3 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.
If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or message her via Edsby. Use the link to apply.