Saskatchewan Penitentiary Career Open House

September 26th, 2023

Individuals who are interested in making a difference by working as a Correctional Officer or Institutional Staff and want to see a correctional work environment and ask questions are invited to an open house at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary on Thursday, October 12th. All individuals who attend must be at least 18 years of age and have undergone a security check. To express interest in attending, send an email to CSCCareers-CarrieresSCC.GEN-NHQ@CSC-SCC.GC.CA by Tuesday, October 3rd. Individuals will then be contacted with more information.


Polar Expressions Publishing: Student Contests

September 20th, 2023


Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 are invited to enter the 2023/2024 National K-12 Student poetry and Short Story Contests.

Poetry (32 lines maximum) deadline: November 30, 2023

Short Story (450 words maximum) deadline: November 24, 2023.

For more information, please visit


U of R Fall Open House: October 13th

September 20th, 2023


The U of R is hosting a Fall Open House on Friday, October 13th from 9:00 am – 5:30 pm. at the Centre for Kinesiology, Health and Sport, University of Regina Main Campus, 3737 Wascana Parkway. As part of Fall Open House, students can apply to the University of Regina for a reduced application fee and be admitted on the spot. Admission on the Spot Option One: Apply online from October 2nd – October 10th for $50 and pick up your application decision during Fall Open House. Be sure to select “Open House Application” (or “Open House Application for Ed” for Education applicants) as the Application Type from the drop-down menu. Students can also upload a current high school transcript and class schedule to the online application. Admission on the Spot Option Two: Apply in person during Fall Open House on October 13th for $50 and receive an application decision on the spot. Bring a current high school transcript and class schedule to the event. Admission on the Spot Eligibility: All current Grade 12 students are eligible to apply for admission to all U of R programs during Admission on the Spot, except for those applying to le Baccalauréat en éducation, the Indigenous Education program, Music Education, or the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, as these programs have additional admission requirements. Students can still take advantage of the discounted application fee by applying to a second-choice program. To register for the event at go to


U of S Open House: September 22nd

September 15th, 2023

Students are invited to attend the U of S Open House on Friday, September 22nd. For information about the day, view the video at USask Open House – Friday, September 22. To attend, register online at The U of S will also be offering a series of events throughout the year which will be listed on the Event webpage. The events include bookable one-on-one virtual chats, admissions and programs presentations, application workshops, and access to express application processing.


Saskatchewan Health Authority Volunteers

September 13th, 2023

Victoria HospitalHerb Bassett Home, and Pineview Terrace invite Grades 9 to 12 students to join the Youth-In-Action Volunteer Program (visit, play cards/games, read, paint nails, play music/sing etc.). Students must apply online at and then click on Careers & Volunteering. Volunteer applications must be completed by Friday, September 29th and interviews will be conducted after school with all new applicants during the week of Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, October 6, 2023. An orientation session for new volunteers will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023. All volunteers must attend. For more information please phone Volunteer Coordinators (Charlene Bernard, Sharan Kaur, or Corinne Loch) at 306-765-6119. Also, members of SHA will be at École St Mary High School on Monday, September 18th, during the lunch hour, to answer questions and assist with applications. 


TELUS Friendly Future Foundation Social Impact Bursary

June 20th, 2023

TELUS is supporting students (ages of 17 and 29) who are committed to making a difference in their communities by taking on a social impact initiative over the course of their degree or diploma. Bursaries of $3,000 for college and $5,000 for university are available to pay for tuition and other academic fees in any program. Criteria for eligibility includes demonstrated critical financial need ($65,000 or less net combined family income), acceptance into or attending a first full-time undergraduate degree or diploma program at a college, university or polytechnic institute in Canada, and commitment to making a positive social or environmental impact in their community. For additional information and to apply, please go to The application deadline is Wednesday, July 5th.


Jack Moore Memorial Scholarship & Burgess Bursary

May 25th, 2023

Saskatchewan Command is offering 10 Scholarships and 10 Bursaries of $500 each. Criteria includes being a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a current- or former-serving member of the Canadian Armed or Allied Forces or RCMP, as well as entering First Year of Post-Secondary Education at a University, Technical/Trade School or a Business College. The applications must be received by August 15th. For additional information, as well as an application form, please go to


CACERMDI Annual Essay & Quiz Competition

May 11th, 2023

The Canadian Centre for Raw Materials Display Inc. (CACERMDI) is pleased to announce the commencement of its Annual Essay & Quiz Competition for grades 9-12 students! The essay topic is “Global Shortage of Raw Materials: Causes, Effects and Solutions”. The Essay & Quiz Competition involves three stages from May 15, 2023 to June 16, 2023.   

Stage 1: Essays are to be submitted by May 15, 2023 via email to or The essays will be marked, and only successful entrants will be contacted for Stage 2.  

Stage 2: Successful entrants will be invited to the quiz competition on June 16, 2023. The quiz competition will focus on all raw materials in Canada, with emphasis on the ones Canada is leading in terms of its production, as well as a few questions about the ones imported into Canada from other countries.   

Stage 3: A ceremony will be held on CACERMDI Raw Materials Day and prizes will be awarded. The ceremony will be hosted in Prince Albert, but will also be available virtually.  

For additional information, please visit the website at


PAATA: Victor Thunderchild Memorial Scholarship ($500)

May 10th, 2023

PAATA: Victor Thunderchild Memorial Scholarship ($500)

The Prince Albert & Area Teachers Association (PAATA) designed the Victor Thunderchild Memorial Scholarship ($500) to acknowledge the significant contributions Mr. Thunderchild made in our community and to honor that spirit in others. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is Tuesday, May 30th, 2023. Information about criteria and submission requirements is available at


Bourse Canadian Parents for French – Prince Albert

May 10th, 2023

Canadian Parents for French – Prince Albert offre une bourse pour un ou une élève de 12 année en immersion française. Les candidates et les candidats doivent démontrer un certain leadership et un intérêt pour la langue française. La bourse est d’une valeur de 300 $ pour la 12e année. La date limite pour soumettre le formulaire est le 31 mai 2023. Les instructions pour comment soumettre la bourse sont sur les formulaires. Si vous avez des questions, consultez M. Joncas ( Voici le formulaire :