CACERMDI: Annual Essay & Quiz Competition

March 5th, 2024
CACERMDI: Annual Essay & Quiz Competition
The Canadian Centre for Raw Materials Display Inc. (CACERMDI) offers students aged 15-18 years an opportunity to showcase their writing skills and knowledge. The top three finalists receive cash prizes ($500 and essay publication, $200, $100), and the top seven finalists receive recognition as the CACERMDI Young Person of the Year 2024. To enter, students must write an English-language essay (1,000 word limit and citations) and then email the essay (PDF or Word document form), as well as their name, age, and contact information to The deadline to submit essay entries is Friday, March 29th. The top seven finalists will then be contacted on Monday, April 8th to participate in the quiz competition. For additional information, please visit BNN Breaking News and the Prince Albert Daily Herald.

Western Inspirational Bursary Award

February 29th, 2024

The Western Inspirational Bursary Award is for a graduating high school student served by a Western Financial Group or its affiliates location. This bursary award is not a scholarship for high academic achievement. It is a character award that aims to recognize the students in our communities who have overcome various adversities, including mental health, physical disability, discrimination, financial hardship, or family issues. Despite these challenges, these students have demonstrated kindness, determination, and courage to graduate high school and continue their education through post-secondary institutions, trade schools, online courses, or the military. The successful applicant from École St. Mary High School will have their name submitted to the Western Financial Group, who will then review all applicants and select a winner within Prince Albert. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Please see Ms. McLeod if you have any questions. To apply, use the link at


SUNTEP Open House

February 29th, 2024

Students who are of Mètis or First Nations ancestry and interested in a career in teaching are encouraged to attend the SUNTEP Open House at 48-12th Street East on Tuesday, March 5th from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. For additional information, call 306-764-1797.


Saskatchewan Agriculture Scholarship

February 27th, 2024

Saskatchewan Grade 12 students and recent high school graduates (within the last two years) have the chance to win a grand-prize scholarship of $4,000 or one of three runner-up scholarships of $2,000 when they submit a three-minute video or 1,000-word essay on transparency. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be planning to take an agriculture-related post-secondary education program beginning in the fall of 2024. This scholarship program has been designed to identify young people who are planning to pursue a career in the agriculture industry. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2024. For more information: visit or, contact


Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship: Grade 12

February 27th, 2024

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship ($1000) is awarded to six Grade 12 students who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the fall. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Friday, March 8th to be considered for nomination. The application deadline is Friday, March 15, 2024. For additional information, please visit


Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship: Grade 11

February 27th, 2024

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship ($500) is awarded to a Grade 11 student to assist in finishing their Grade 12 school year. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performanceÉcole St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate and nomination is competitive. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Friday, March 8th to be considered for nomination. The application deadline is March 15, 2024. For additional information, please visit



Prytula Charpentier Foundation: Music

February 27th, 2024

The Martha Prytula École St. Mary High School University Music Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School Band and/ or Choir and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2024 with a focus on music study. Proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program must be submitted, and a digital photo must be emailed to . The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG. If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or email her at lydia.mcleod@pacsd.caThe deadline to apply is Monday, March 18, 2024. The link to the application form is


Prytula Charpentier Foundation: French

February 27th, 2024
The Charpentier École St. Mary High School University French Entrance Scholarship is a $2,000.00 scholarship and will be awarded to one student who: is a French immersion student that has exhibited outstanding academic achievement and is attending a post-secondary institute in the fall of 2024 to study FrenchProof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program must be submitted, and a digital photo must be emailed to The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.  If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or email her at The deadline to apply is Monday, March 18, 2024. The link to the application form is

Prytula Charpentier Foundation: FNIM

February 27th, 2024

The Mark Phaneuf First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) École St. Mary High School University Entrance Scholarship, sponsored by the Prytula Charpentier Foundation, and First Nations Insurance Services Limited Partnership is for self-declared First Nation, Inuit and Métis students who: will be attending a post-secondary institute in the Fall of 2024, has exhibited outstanding participation in the École St. Mary High School extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. In addition, priority may be given to those who demonstrate financial need. The successful applicant(s) will receive a $2,000.00 scholarship. Proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program must be submitted, and a digital photo must be emailed to .  The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG.  If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or email her at The deadline to apply is Monday, March 18, 2024. The link to the application form is


Prytula Charpentier Foundation: Contribution, Need, Academic

February 27th, 2024

The Alex Prytula Scholarship is a $2000.00 scholarship that will be presented to a male and a female student. The criteria for the award is as follows: outstanding contributions, financial need, and academics. Proof of acceptance (letter, email) into a post-secondary program must be submitted, and a digital photo must be emailed to . The digital photo must be a high-resolution digital photo (2-4 megabyte JPG, not PNG) of the applicant doing an activity (sports, dance, volunteering etc.). Please do not copy the JPG onto a word document, use a JPG sent in a text message, or use a JPG sent in an email with other photos, since these scenarios compress the size of the JPG. If you have any questions, see Ms. McLeod or email her at The deadline to apply is Monday, March 18, 2024. The link to the application form is