Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship: Grade 12

January 11th, 2023

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarship ($1000) is awarded to six Grade 12 student who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the fall. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Monday, February 27th to be considered for nomination. The application deadline is March 15, 2023. For additional information, please visit https://communityeducation.ca/scholarships/


Princess of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall Scholarships: Grade 11

January 11th, 2023

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall Scholarship ($500) is awarded to a Grade 11 student to assist in finishing their Grade 12 school year. Four student qualities will be considered: school and/or community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, financial support needed and academic performance. École St. Mary High School can nominate one candidate and nomination is competitive. Please provide a list of school/community-based leadership, responsibilities outside of school, and a statement about financial need to Mrs. Rapin in Student Services by Monday, February 27th to be considered for nomination. The application deadline is March 15, 2023. For additional information, please visit https://communityeducation.ca/scholarships/


Junior Citizen of the Year: $3000

January 11th, 2023

The Junior Citizen of the Year award has honoured the youth of Saskatchewan for over 40 years. The program is sponsored by The Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association, in partnership with SaskPower, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan.  These prestigious awards are given to students who:

  • Have a positive lifestyle
  • Are dedicated to community and school
  • Have a strong sense of caring and responsibility
  • Have the ability to overcome life’s challenges
  • Inspire others
  • Are between ages 8 to 18

Four award recipients are chosen each year and receive a $3,000 bursary, provided by SaskPower, to be used for post-secondary education. For more information, please go to https://swna.com/junior-citizen-of-the-year/. The deadline for nominations is March 31st, 2023.


Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship: $4000/$2000

January 11th, 2023

Saskatchewan Grade 12 students and recent high school graduates (within the last two years) have the chance to win a grand-prize scholarship of $4,000 or one of three runner-up scholarships of $2,000 when they submit a three-minute video or 1,000-word essay on transparency. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be planning to take an agriculture-related post-secondary education program beginning in the fall of 2023. This scholarship program has been designed to identify young people who are planning to pursue a career in the agriculture industry. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2023. For more information: visit saskatchewan.ca/ag-scholarship; or, contact agriculture.scholarship@gov.sk.ca


Paddy O’Rourke Poetry Scholarship ($3000)

January 11th, 2023

The Paddy O’Rourke Poetry Scholarship was established in 2018 to recognize and encourage young Saskatchewan poets. It is named in honour of Patrick (Paddy) O’Rourke, a teacher, literary editor, mentor and prominent friend of Saskatoon’s and Saskatchewan’s arts community. The Paddy O’Rourke Poetry Scholarship for 2023 is $3,000 CDN. Applications will be accepted from April 1 to April 30, 2023. For information about selection criteria and how to apply, please visit http://www.orourkepoetryscholarship.ca/


VJKF Program Scholarship

January 10th, 2023

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Grade 11 and Grade 12 students can apply for this year’s Verna J Kirkness Education Foundation Program Scholarship to attend a Canadian university for a week in May. Program participants will learn from university mentors and take part in STEM research! The deadline to apply is Tuesday, January 31st. Student grades are not a factor in being accepted and graduates of the VJKF program are eligible to apply for VJKF university scholarships. To apply go to www.vernajkirkness.org and the “Apply Now” tab. The application process will involve a completed parental consent form, a personal reference from a teacher, and an essay simply telling us why the student wants to attend (50-400 words). The attachments (essay, references, parental/guardian consent) are to be emailed to ProgramManager@vjkf.org or attached to the online application. Students who have questions regarding the program are encouraged to phone 587-814-0444 or email: morgan.laboucan@vjkf.org.


Women (16+) in Trades: Industrial Mechanic/Welding

January 6th, 2023

The weekend workshop is February 4 & February 5th from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. at SaskPoly PA Campus. The content includes a) Industrial Mechanics (Millwright) where students will work with hand tools, some power tools and metal to manufacture their own take home project, and b) Welding where students will learn to assemble, tack and weld steel, use assorted shaping methods, as well as use cleaning, finishing and cutting tools. CSA approved steel toed safety boots are required for this workshopTo register, phone 306-765-1600. The course name is Industrial Mechanics/Welding CEXP-1407 CRN – 202212-1863 and the cost is $150. For more information about this workshop, please contact kelly.clegg@saskpolytech.ca.


Women (16+) in Trades: Creative Welding

January 6th, 2023

The weekend workshop is May 6 & May 7, 2023 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at SaskPoly PA Campus. Students will learn to assemble, tack, and weld steel, use assorted shaping methods, as well as gain experience in using, cleaning, finishing, and cutting tools. while creating individual projects of “garden decor” patterns. This event is open to pairs of women who are over the age of 16. (Participants will need to register individually, but will work with their partner.) Class size will be capped at 12 (six pairs) so register early! To register, phone 306-765-1600. The course name is Creative Welding CEXP-1408 CRN – 202212-1853 and the cost is $150. For more information about this workshop, please contact kelly.clegg@saskpolytech.ca.


U of S College of Education Information Sessions

December 20th, 2022

Students who are interested in enrolling in one of the U of S  Bachelor of Education programs for fall 2023 are encouraged to register for an online information session for prospective students and their parents on Wednesday, January 18th from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Representatives from the College of Education will share a brief presentation about Bachelor of Education program routes, admission requirements and application deadlines, testimonial from a current College of Education student and testimonial from a College of Education alumnus. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation. To attend the online presentation, register at https://apply.usask.ca/RecruitCE/Events/EventDetails?eventId=04d3d3e4-767d-ed11-a323-00505600188c The deadline to apply to many of the U of S  Bachelor of Education programs for fall 2023 is Wednesday, February 15th.


TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples

December 15th, 2022

Together with AFOA Canada, a not-for-profit led by Indigenous Peoples, TD has worked to build a scholarship for Indigenous Peoples. Through it, 25 scholarships are available to be awarded annually, worth up to $60K over 4 years. The submission deadline is January 16, 2023. Regardless of your field of study, scholarships are open to First Nations, Metis and Inuit who are members / citizens of a First Nation, Metis or Inuit community who: have applied for a full-time minimum 2-year program with an approved post-secondary institution for the next year of study; or are enrolled in, or accepted to, a full-time minimum two-year program with an approved post-secondary institution for the next year of study. Please note: Employees of TD and its subsidiaries and their children are not eligible for these scholarships. Learn more at https://afoa.ca/td/