Women in the Trades Workshop: Carpentry/Electrical

September 10th, 2024

This Women in Trades workshop from Saturday, October 19th – Sunday, October 20th is a hands-on, one weekend career exploration opportunity for women 15+ offering an introduction to a variety of basic carpentry and electrical skills. Course content includes: Carpentry – You will learn to use a variety of carpentry related hand and power tools safely, creating a project that you can take home. Electrical – you will learn the basics of electricity and how to wire a light, a switch, and an electrical outlet. CSA approved steel toed safety footwear is required for this workshop. If this requirement is a barrier for you to participate in the workshop, please reach out directly to the WITT campus coordinator to inquire about how we can safely accommodate you. For more information, please contact kelly.clegg@saskpolytech.ca. To register, phone: 306-765-1600. The cost is $150.


Women in the Trades Workshop: Industrial Mechanics/Welding

September 6th, 2024

This Women in Trades workshop on Saturday, October 26th – Sunday, October 27th is a hands-on career exploration opportunity for women 15+ offering an introduction to a variety of basic welding and industrial skills. Course content includes: Industrial Mechanics (Millwright). In the trade where its graduates are known as the “Jill of all trades” you will work with hand tools, some power tools and metal to manufacture your own take home project. Welding. You will learn to assemble, tack and weld steel, use assorted shaping methods and machinery as well as use cleaning, finishing and cutting tools. CSA approved steel toed safety footwear is required. For more information about this workshop, please contact kelly.clegg@saskpolytech.ca. To register, phone: 306-765-1600. The cost is $150.


Bourse Canadian Parents for French: PA Chapter

April 26th, 2024

CPF-PA offre une bourse de 300 $  à un ou une élève finissant.e de 12e année d’immersion française de l’École St. Mary High School. Le postulant ou la postulante doit pouvoir démontrer un intérêt pour le bilinguisme. Si vous désirez postuler pour cette bourse, vous pouvez le faire en remplissant le formulaire suivant par le 20 mai et le retourner à l’adresse courriel inscrite dans le formulaire : https://skenny-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/remi_joncas_pacsd_ca/EScniWNT1QRKjG2vxCOx4Z4BLXE6wdZdBX2epU9HEVj4dA?e=kRqDyw


Major/Minor Fine Arts Award

April 25th, 2024

The Major/Minor Fine Arts awards are presented to grade 12 students that have showcased a significant involvement with fine arts during their time at École St. Mary High School. If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Fine Arts Award that will be presented during the ‘Thanksgiving for the School Year Celebration and Awards Assembly’. Please fill out the forms document to be considered for this award: Major/Minor Fine Arts Award Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.


Major/Minor Sports Award

April 25th, 2024

The Major/Minor Sports awards are presented to grade 12 students that have showcased a significant involvement with athletics during their time at École St. Mary High School. If you are in grade 12, you may be eligible for a Major/Minor Sports Award that will be presented during the ‘Thanksgiving for the School Year Celebration and Awards Assembly’. Please fill out the forms document to be considered for this award: Major/Minor Sports Award Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.


Rotary Citizenship Scholarship

April 25th, 2024

The Rotary Citizenship Scholarship of $400.00 is a recognition of a Grade 11 or 12 student that exhibits the characteristics of strong citizenship. It is modeled after the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship program with criteria that includes, strong academics, with strong character within the school environment, as well as the community. Candidates are students that respect and deal fairly with their fellow students, as well as participate in school and non-school activities that enhance their lives and the lives of those around them. The students should be planning some type of post-secondary education or training to enhance their personal skills. Rotary Citizenship Scholarship Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.


John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship

April 25th, 2024

The John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship of $250 is a recognition of a Grade 9 – 12 student who has been enrolled full-time in the academic year of 2023-2024. Candidates are students who have distinguished themselves by being an advocate for literacy in their school or the community and clearly demonstrate a love of reading. While high academics is not a requirement for applying, the student must have a Prince Albert Public Library (PAPL) card and plans for post-secondary education. Preference will also be given to former or current employees of John M. Cuelenaere Library, as well as a current Grade 12 student of École St. Mary High School. John M. Cuelenaere Public Library Scholarship Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.


General Proficiency Award: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11

April 25th, 2024

The Grade 9 – 11 General Proficiency Award is a non-monetary award given to a student in grade 9, grade 10, and grade 11. It recognizes the student’s contribution to the whole life of St. Mary High School and is based on the following criteria: academic achievement 50%, extra-curricular contributions 40%, and religious life contributions 10%. Grade 9 – 11 General Proficiency Award Application The deadline to apply is Thursday, May 9th.


SSBA Award: 2 x $3,000

April 22nd, 2024

Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) awards two $3,000 scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students going into post-secondary study: the Degree Program Scholarship (sponsored by AON) and the Technical/Trade Program Scholarship (sponsored by Manulife). Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need, and a 500-word essay. The application deadline is August 31st, 2024. To access the application form and view the rubric that is being used to score the scholarships, go to http://saskschoolboards.ca/about-us/awards-and-scholarships/education-scholarships/


CST Foundation Bursaries: $6000 x 25

April 16th, 2024

The Canadian Scholarship Trust (CST) Foundation supports access to post-secondary education (PSE) for all Canadians and believes that finances should not be a barrier to accessing post-secondary education. The $6,000 bursaries focus on financial need, and students who demonstrate strong character: resiliency, community-mindedness, and commitment to excellence. As well, the students must be in Grade 12 and first-generation PSE students (students whose parents did not attend post-secondary education). The application deadline is Friday, April 26th.  Students will have to complete their application in one sitting, including the following: financial need essay (500 words or less), accomplishments essay (300 words or less), future aspirations statement (75 words or less), reference letter attachment, and high school transcript (unofficial). To apply, and for additional information, please go to https://education.myblueprint.ca/cstf/