Archive for the ‘Bursaries’ Category

RE/MAX 2021 Quest for Excellence

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

RE/MAX is offering sixteen $1000 bursaries to Grade 12 students in Western Canada. This program was established by RE/MAX of Western Canada to recognize the success and ongoing pursuits of Western Canadian students in regards to leadership and community contribution initiatives. Students are to submit an online essay (max. 1,250 words) which conveys personal motivation, leadership and communication skills in connection with their community efforts. Students can enter online at / About RE/MAX / In the Community / Quest for Excellence The 2021 Quest for Excellence program is open for submissions from September 14, 2020 until midnight March 15, 2021. Only online entries will be accepted.

RE/MAX of Western Canada Quest for Excellence 2020 Bursary Program

Monday, February 24th, 2020

RE/MAX is offering sixteen $1000 bursaries to Grade 12 students in Western Canada. Students are to submit an online essay (max. 1,250 words) which conveys personal motivation, leadership and communication skills in connection with their community efforts: have you led a group of volunteers, raised funds for a worthwhile cause, helped special needs children or cared for seniors? The Quest for Excellence Program deadline is March 9th, 2020. For more information go to > about RE/MAX > In the Community > Quest for Excellence.

Junior Citizen of the Year Scholarship ($3000)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

The Junior Citizen of the Year Scholarship has honoured the youth of Saskatchewan for over 40 years. The program is sponsored by The Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association, in partnership with SaskPower, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan.  These prestigious awards are given to kids who: have a positive lifestyle, are dedicated to community and school, have a strong sense of caring and responsibility, have the ability to overcome life’s challenges, inspire others, and are between ages 8 to 18.  Four award recipients are chosen each year and receive a $3,000 bursary provided by SaskPower, to be used for their post-secondary education. For more information, please go to The call for nominations is now open. The deadline for nominations is March 31st, 2019.

RE/MAX of Western Canada “Quest for Excellence” Bursary

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

RE/MAX is offering sixteen $1000 bursaries to Grade 12 students in Western Canada. Students are to submit an online essay (max. 1,250 words) which conveys personal motivation, leadership and communication skills in connection with their community efforts: have you led a group of volunteers, raised funds for a worthwhile cause, helped special needs children or cared for seniors? The Quest for Excellence Program deadline is March 11th, 2019. For more information go to

Re\Max Quest for Excellence Bursaries

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

Re/Max is offering sixteen $1000 bursaries to Grade 12 students in Western Canada. Students are to submit an online essay that conveys the contributions they have made to their communities: have you led a group of volunteers, raised funds for a worthwhile cause, helped special needs children or cared for seniors? The Quest for Excellence Program deadline is March 12th, 2018. For more information go to and blog

Kinsmen Club of Prince Albert Bursary

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

The Kinsmen Club of Prince Albert will be awarding two bursaries in the amount of $500 each per academic year. The winners of this bursary will be determined by the Kinsmen Club of Prince Albert based on the following criteria:

* Knowledge of the Kinsmen Club on a local and national level.

* Financial need

* Community involvement

* Academic standing

Submissions must be postmarked no later than May 15th, 2017. For information on award criteria and an application form, see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services.

Canadian Parents for French – Grade 9 to Grade 12

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

If you are in French immersion and are interested in applying for the CPF bursary, please see M. Gervais to get an application form. The deadline to submit your form is Monday, May 2nd.  Grade 9-11  is a $100 bursary and Grade 12 is a $300.00 bursary.

RE/MAX Quest for Excellence

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Re/Max is offering sixteen $1000 bursaries to Grade 12 students in Western Canada. Students are to submit an online essay that conveys the contributions they have made to their communities: Have you led a group of volunteers, raised funds for a worthwhile cause, helped special needs children or cared for seniors? The 2014 Quest for Excellence Program deadline is March 14th, 2016. Please see a counselor in Student Services for more information or go to

RE/MAX of Western Canada Quest for Excellence 2016 Bursary Program

Friday, October 9th, 2015

RE/MAX of Western Canada Quest for Excellence 2016 Bursary Program is offering (16) $1,000 bursaries to Grade 12 students. This program recognizes the success and ongoing pursuits of Western Canadian students in regards to leadership and community contribution initiatives. Online entries will be accepted from September 8, 2015 March 14, 2016. Please see Mrs. Rapin in Student Services for more information. Students can enter online at

Jack Moore Memorial Scholarship and Burgess Bursary

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Saskatchewan Command, in co-operation with Dominion Command of The Royal Legion, is offering 10 scholarships of $300 each. In addition, Saskatchewan Command is offering 10 bursaries of $300 each. Students must be a child, grandchild or great grand-child of a veteran, of a still serving military member, or of an RCMP member. The deadline is August 28, 2015.  For scholarship criteria and information see Mrs. Rapin in Student services.